
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Friends (Part 2)

Part of your life each and every day will be spend either working (in the sense study also is the work for the student) or sleeping and of course some interval of you yourself alone and stuff. Have you ever thought of who is always around with you? Time where you eat, leisure and stuff are mostly spend playing with friends. This is just a normal fact unless for some unforeseen circumstances or you are an introvert.. This is just part of life and part of ~my life~ to encounter such things since I know how to start thinking more about myself and reassurance bout myself around the age of 9. I don't know whether it is consider late or early to start thinking each and every night about what I did wrong and the other way around to people around me. Though was still a little kiddo that time, I'm truly thankful to my religious studies in my church last time and one of the tuition teacher, called Mr. Siah (so happen same surname) to ask me and a few friends to do such thing. And indeed you will learnt a lot during the part when you start thinking back of everything. Truly, those things improve your life so much more..than just anticipating what is coming and all.

During the course of growing, you will meet up with tonnes and tonnes of friends, from variation of attitudes, to personality and to multiple types of thoughts and opinions. So as they say, as so many different internal culture that met up together, clashes of thoughts and ideas will definitely occur. Some may be serious some may be just minnie minor stuff. That's life!! Seriously that's life..I was thinking of blogging bout this post a long time ago before happen to have a suprise comeback from a person who actually started to blog earlier than me back in November 2006, my Sunrise Sibs, Li Yinn the honey mao...One of the long time awaited blog stated about misunderstandings and this actually struck me with what I wanted to blog too.

In fact, misunderstandings truly happen everyday, at every corner of life, at every seconds and in fact, so much more that it actually become a culture of itself. But such culture is mostly not favoured by friends and even close friends. And those things can either lead up to a big piece of mess or the other way around, a kin-er relationship. And of course, a person like me who talked so much, this things happen frequently and I'm always aware of it although sometimes I don't (i apologize for that). Whenever those things happened and with me awaring such cases happen, this time, the me nowadays, will just ask (if those friends are really close la) and apologize for that. Seriously it's always embarrassing but somehow, at some point, you should not be paiseh bout it as it is more shameful of both party to avoid and create even more serious consequences. Last time seriously I was so quiet that I did not dare to face the person that I'm sorry to. But what's the point and what's the point of living at avoidance and denial of facts. I always believe that things happen for a reason, and for that reason that is so definite and full of other reasoning, it will sure succumb to a positive outcome. As people always say, there is always solutions to a problems..and things just happen with the same round of clock.

I myself encounter lots of cases, with friends all around here and there to misunderstand or unintentionally create bad impression about yourself. And this is significantly true and we have to realise that ASAP before things turn worse before creating more shame on yourself and the other party.

But thinking of so much misunderstandings and apologies and open discussion, sometimes there are always things so tiny yet create a big impact that is hard to be solved and even solved it in an open discussion seems so awkward. Such thing I regard as the inner feelings that create such emotions and turns out with plenty of negativity..and sometimes the more you are aware of it, it might turns out worse, overthinking for both party and eventually things are still remain unsolved, as the problems are tiny to be identified and solutions are too big to curb it.

What a troublesome thingy..and seriously it will just get more troublesome when we are heading our working life..this is just normal..normal NORMAL!!..
One day, while I was passing motion again and were thinking too about such cases..and suddenly a thoughts came up to my mind. About friends and about maintaining and making friends everlast and be part of your life..you will figure out one day..that such things that my dad say was a bit true..but as for close friends, it is a different story. And a thought come up to my mind..
THINKING THE BEST SIDE OF YOUR FRIENDS..and seriously it is just so important.

Having friends we are consider lucky, having close friends we are consider fortunate and having close friends that bonds is so much stable than the securities corporations gives..it's just UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF CASH FLOW!! Seriously yes!!

Each and everday misunderstandings happen because of what..let me list it down
  1. Other party (not close friends) gossips about you and your close friends
  2. Other party (not close friends) simply assumptions about your friends and the way they are treating you stating that they are actually not somebody you thought they would (though sometimes for those bad person we have to be aware ar) but some backstabber whom listen to other gossips will just bad listed your name on other's people list.. Don't believe it! Don't believe such things, if some friends that your friend say they are bad treat you good..just be good to them and not getting away of them. This is because, studies shows that one bad guy doesn't mean is a bad guy for others..they are people whom they are close with and they truly share things with them and truly TRUST THEM for that!!!
  3. Because of unintended or intended verbal or non-verbal actions..
  4. Because of over thinking..what I mean in this sense is ..immature over thinking
  5. Jealousy!!!
Seriously this things happen so much that sometimes, just to think of the problem you probably need to one 5000 pages thesis. But if you always look on the positive side of your friend and to value them because you think they are truly your close and comfortable friends, you don't have to bother such negativity.

And for that, this post which is so long already, I will be dedicating my post to my close friends Although not all as they will be more updates to come for this subject.

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