
Saturday, November 8, 2008


Today might be the brightest day and surprising day not just for Raja Petra Kamaraddin but the rest of the Malaysian citizens. Bahahaha. A surprising RPK himself couldn't comment much but just mentioned that he is too tired over this. And we shall thank the High Court Judge, Justice Syed Ahmad Helmy Syed Ahmad to consider that the ISA unlawful. It is about the harbeas corpus that our Home Minister signed I think somewhere during September for RPK's two year detention order. The High Court say the Act is unlawful and was seconded/supported by our Bar Council.

I guess a lot of people will be very happy about this. Not just that RPK might fire up MalaysiaKini again, but at least their family reunion is something great for them. Also, RPK can sleep nicely, eat nicely and enjoy better treatment at home. So all the BEST for the WRITER that shakens Malaysia.

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