
Sunday, May 27, 2007

Special Dedications : Lecturers

Today's Special Dedications will be to my dearest lecturers. I have send an e-mail to all my lecturers asking them to view my blog as this special dedications is for them too. Therefore, today's blog format might be a little more formal than my usual tone. So I will probably brag my story from first semester until the latest one.. First and foremost, during the first sem, it's kinda odd for me as a pure-science student taking management, especially for subjects like Economics, which I only known it but never know what is it. But, but..Economics is my favourite subjects after the first semester. No surprise..probably is the lecturer that inspire me, which is Madam Kerk or even the nature facts of Economics content..hehe..anyway..I really enjoyed studying here with different lecture style which I enjoy alot and also different way to gain knowledge. And taking 5 subjects, it's really easy for me. Cos we MALAYSIAN STUDENT are well-trained with more than ten subjects, though is at the course of 2 years, it's more suffering and I definitely prefer having 5 subjects in four months. And with nice lecturers in first sem, first semester passes just like a breeze through..and these are the lecturer that i dedicated for the first sem..

Madam Kerk, my economics lecturer for two semesters, which is one of our favourite lecturers..an INSPIRATIONAL and PATIENCE lecturer..

Miss Lau, our kind Accounting (financial) lecturer..a very forgiving lecturer who rarely use mic in her lecture..

Madam Vemala, probably the lecturer that 'paling sayang' me wan..hia hia hia..don jealous la wei..cos my result in her subject which is Human Development was pretty excellent..

Madam Bhuvana, my first sem English lecturer, who taught us and helped us in preparations for our MUET..

MR TAN, the always young and more adorable (due to his size) lecturer. Probably i think, in his MMU life he only like our class. Cos our class is pretty efficient in his class, so ahem!..and of course he is very strict in his lecture, as part of friend...he is just like me..a truly real JOKER..*no heartfeelings MR TAN*

a day when we set to take pictures with uniformity( all wear white top black pants, those black top are class top notch ppl(ahem!).. and those wearing half black n white( is ppl who watch too much 'LOST'))..

OOPS!! the picture i took without her knowledge..was adjusting her new hairstyle..hia hia hia

sad..im not in the picture..but one thing for sure..they are smiling graciously cos..cos..i'm the handsome photographer..

This entry probably is one of the longest already..so i'll stop for the FIRST SEM LECTURERS..and to be continued with 2nd semester ASAP..

1 comment:

K^2 DM said...

Really miss them ar... Miss the sem 1 lecturer. Especially Mr. Tan Lai Poh..